Natalia Diaz has been instrumental in Callzilla’s growth over the last 10 years. She started out in finance, earned more and more responsiblity, and today is in charge of all operations at the agent level.
As Natalia has watched Callzilla grow, her own set of skills has likewise grown.
“I started out making financial statements and other financial documents,” she recalls, adding that on her first day she had never been in a contact center before. “Then the operations manager position opened up. Neal told me that if I wanted to I could try it for two weeks until they find another operations manager.”
He quickly realized he didn’t have to keep looking.
Today Diaz is in charge of all operations at the agent level. She manages the supervisors of the agents and interacts with other departments such as training and quality, technology, and client services. When we develop a new campaign, Diaz is in charge of making it happen. She also has participated in many international contact center events in Mexico and Colombia.
Diaz says she’s proud to see Callzilla grow into an operation so much more sophisticated than it was at the start. She’s especially proud of the contact center achieving ISO 9001:2008 certification this past year. It was an 18-month effort, and focused especially on her areas of responsibility.
“For me, that is very, very big achievement.” she says. “We had to document everything that we do in our normal day.” In reviewing procedures, she and her staff looked for ways to also improve them.
Her desire for continuous improvement means she is always looking for new ideas.
“Sometimes I’ll have breakfast with people in different areas of the company at a restaurant near the office,” One recent gathering included 14 agents who were encouraged to talk about their experiences with Callzilla. “It’s very helpful, because you can see the situation with other eyes,” she says. “So we can make some changes to have a better organization.”
Hectic schedule
In addition to her job, Diaz is busy at home with a 4-year-old girl and a boy not yet 2. She wakes up at 5 a.m. to get the family on it’s way before she comes to Callzilla. She and her husband also get away once in a while to ride motorcycles to nearby towns with friends. She’s a big fan of Valentino Rossi, the world champion Italian rider.
The interest in racing comes back to Callzilla in some interesting forms. Diaz recently oversaw our NASCAR week, where we handed out prizes to the best agents and best supervisors using a racing theme based on attendance, the number of orders saved, and similar metrics.
“It was very funny, and very helpful to make a better organization,” she says.